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The most subtle mis allignment can be very painful and can begin to change your gait and start other issues in your tissues. Our test is simple and is completely safe to image your replacement. Call us today to make an appointment. Just knowing gives you peace of mind.
Why put yourseld through the uncomfortable MRI when you can comfortably get an Ultrasound. We provide a very detailed clinical examination before we begin the test. Ultrasound can take 7-10 minutes per body part; An MRI usually takes an average of 45 minutes per body part. You can barely breath...
We specialize Diagnostic Ultrasound. We can take a look, and in the matter of minutes we can let you know if what you need is Surgery/ Alternative Surgery options like PRP (Platlet Rich Plasma Injections) or Amniotic Fluid Cell Injections. Yes the very amniotic fluid that is in the mothers...
At our center we begin with a diagnostic Ultrasound exam to pin point the origin of your pain. We then give you treatment options so that you can get back to training FAST. We have a network of Dr's who speciliaze in Sports Medicine; Orthopedics; Pain Management; Regenerative Medicine and...
Think Ultrasound First. In the matter of seconds we are able to visualize the median nerve in motion and see if there is a compression or if there is an enlarged median nerve. Currently the test Dr's order is an EMG . EMG is very painful; they use very small...
Many people feel left in the dark with no answers while suffering everyday with pain involving the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle or foot. Test such as X-ray or MRI can often miss the origin of your problem. Leaving you with no answers, spinning wheels and making no...
Our dream is for the entire public to have access to an MSK Ultrasound. MSK ULTRASOUND IS THE MOST POWERFUL DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR PAIN IN THE SHOULDER, ELBOW, WRIST, HAND, HIP, KNEE, ANKLE AND FOOT. MSK Ultrasound is FAST, ACCURATE and FRACTION THE COST of other diagnostic tests. Patients love...
A great advantage for Ultrasound is being side by side with the patient. Hearing the details of the injury first hand,. While clinically inspecting the suspected fractured site. By using copious amounts of Ultrasound Gel (especially with fingers and toes)a stand off pad is created. Ultrasound provides a beautiful image ...
EMG stands for elctromyography. (EMG) measures muscle response or electrical activity in response to a nerve's stimulation of the muscle. During the test there are small needles (also called electrodes) are inserted through the skin and into the muscle. Although, this has been the gold standard to rule nerve damage....
Let this be the year that YOU take care of YOU. With our test you will find answers. You will also be able to be directed to a network of physicians that will offer different approaches. We provide the physican with our Clear, Concise and Conclusive diagnosis. Our ultrasound is...
Ultrasound gives the ability to maneveour the shoulder while simultaneously looking at crystal clear images. The shoulder is viewed like never before, even the most hidden injuries become visible. The suture material from repaired tendons can be assessed and precisely rule in/out re-tears. Before getting an MRI consider a Musculoskeletal...
We offer Needle Guided Procedures of PRP. (Platlet-Rich Plasma) PRP is Platelet-Rich Plasma use of patients own (blood). The blood is spun and platelets are seperated and re-injected to the effected area (ultrasound guided procedure) accelerating the healing proccess of the injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. Our "Spot-On" tool...
Michael Jablon is an expert in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging for over 25 years. He was trained internationally side by side with the industry pioneers. Continual education at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Henry Ford Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigian, MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX and Univeristy of Washington, Seattle. His...
MSK Ultrasound Test scan is reffered to as a dynamic test, unlike other static (still) tests such as MRI. We explain this best through the use of a rubber band. The rubber band appears intact, but once it is stretched, even the smallest tear can be seen. During an ultrasound...
Benefits of MSK Ultrasound - Safe -Highly Accurate -Non Invasive -Imaging the Body in Motion -Uses no ionizing radiation (x-ray) -Has no restrictions/ contradictions to its use Applications -Shoulder; Brachial Plexus; Elbow; Hand; Wrist/Hand; Hip; Knee; Foot/Ankle -Needle Guidance / Stem Cell / Regenerative Medicine / PRP ...
Welcome to our Center for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Regenerative Medicine Here at Orthopedic Ultrasound, Inc., a diagnostic center specializing only in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging we will be able to provide you with what we like to call the triple C's ---> Clear, Concise and Conclusive test results. Surely, after we...